It’s no surprise that retail ecommerce sales have been steadily rising for the past few years. In 2020, they are expected to surpass $600 billion – up 29% from 2017 – and projected to top $740 billion by 2023. While this ever-growing shift to ecommerce shopping could spell trouble for some brick-and-mortar retailers, it spells opportunity for marketers.

With billions of goods being sent to consumers annually, ecommerce shipments represent a massive universe for box inserts, which are ads placed inside product shipments that reach consumers in-home with no postage costs. Box inserts have proven successful for advertisers across a variety of categories – from nonprofits, to meal kit delivery services, to apparel brands, to wellness companies. Harry’s is one such success story.

When Harry’s came to PlusMedia in 2017 seeking innovative ways to drive sales for their line of shaving and personal care products, they were utilizing mostly digital media channels and hadn’t explored offline media as a means of new customer acquisition. To help Harry’s achieve their goal, we developed a strategic insert media testing plan to identify a winning control creative and format, which was rolled out in box inserts with an initial circulation of over 2 million.

Nearly three years later, box inserts have proven to be a highly profitable channel for Harry’s across both drive-to-web and drive-to-retail offers. Since their initial campaign, Harry’s has significantly expanded their circulation in box inserts to over 25 million – an increase of over 1,000%!

As evidenced by Harry’s expansion, box insert programs offer tremendous scale for marketers. In addition, they offer multiple targeting capabilities, are typically category-exclusive, have high open rates, and carry an implied endorsement from the brand sending the shipment.

With no sign of ecommerce sales slowing anytime soon, now is the time to take advantage of box inserts and grow your business. Contact Sandra Roscoe to get started: 203-448-4810 or [email protected].
