If you’re looking to generate bottom-line revenue in 2021, now is the perfect time to launch an insert program so you can begin accepting advertisers in your customer touch-points. Working hand-in-hand with an experienced partnership marketing agency makes the process simple and seamless.
Here are 5 key steps:
1. Determine customer touch-points that can be monetized.
An ever-increasing propensity for ecommerce shopping means more product shipments and more opportunity to generate revenue through box inserts. Catalogs, billing statements, and other customer communications can also become a revenue stream with the inclusion of inserts.
2. Assess revenue potential.
This will be determined by the annual volume of touch-points and total number of insert partners utilizing your program.
3. Establish standard operating procedures.
Determine the maximum size, maximum weight, accepted formats, and who will approve the partner offers, and develop an ongoing schedule of inserts.
4. Finalize logistics.
Coordinate with your distribution warehouse and/or print vendors to incorporate the insertion and distribution of ad material into their workflow.
5. Curate brand-relevant advertisers.
Through targeted marketing and promotions, secure advertisers whose offerings align with your brand and will resonate with your customers.
And just like that, you have an insert program on the market. From there, your only role is to approve the ads and collect the revenue.
Contact Sandra Roscoe to get started! 203.448-4810 or [email protected]